How Will You Push Your Top Performers?

Right now, if you’ve got 20 or 30 people out there in the field, you probably already know who your best performers are. These are the folks who show up every day, ready to go, and you don’t have to tell them twice to get things done. They’ve got that natural sense of doing the right thing and always striving to do their best. But here’s the real trick: how do you take that excellence and push it even further?
Closing the Gap with Pay-for-Performance
What pay-for-performance does is close the gap between how your top performers operate and how everyone else does. It creates a system where people at all levels are motivated to reach that higher standard. When you’re truly committed to performance at a high level, you’ve got to recognize that your top performers will be the ones who absolutely thrive in this environment. They’re going to see the value in this system right away because it directly rewards them for that extra effort they’re already putting in.
Recognize and Celebrate Excellence
People want to be appreciated. It's human nature. The more you celebrate your top performers—the ones who are out there setting the bar—the more they’ll want to keep hitting those high notes. When you highlight their achievements, show them as examples of what’s possible, you’re not just motivating them; you’re inspiring everyone else to rise to that same level.
Now, it’s not enough to give a pat on the back and say, “Great job.” Recognition has to be intentional and consistent. Call out their accomplishments during meetings, let others know how they’re excelling, and—if you’re on a pay-for-performance system—make sure everyone sees the tangible benefits they’re earning. Whether it’s an additional bonus, a gift card, or a special mention, it’s all about making them feel valued and celebrated.
Pushing Them to the Next Level
The best performers are never satisfied with where they’re at. They’ve always got that itch to do more, to be better. So, your job as a leader is to keep challenging them. Give them opportunities that stretch their skills, that push them out of their comfort zone. Maybe it’s leading a bigger project, mentoring others on the crew, or handling more complex tasks. You want to feed that desire for growth and make sure they know there’s always a next level to reach.
And here’s a key point: when you see them achieve that next level, recognize it. Let them know you see their progress. Because when they feel acknowledged for reaching that milestone, they’re more likely to keep pushing themselves to the next one.
Retaining Your Top Talent
One of the biggest risks you face with your top performers is losing them. Think about it: if you’ve got the best painter in your shop, that person is the one most likely to go out and start their own painting business. They’ve got the skills, the work ethic, and the confidence to make it happen. So how do you keep them from becoming your competition?
You make them feel like they’re part of something bigger. Give them a sense of ownership. This doesn’t necessarily mean equity or profit-sharing, but it could mean letting them take the lead on high-profile projects, involving them in decision-making, or even giving them the chance to mentor and develop others. When they feel like they have a stake in your company’s success, they’re less likely to look elsewhere.
Provide Clear Pathways for Growth
Top performers are always looking for that next challenge, that next opportunity to prove themselves. If you don’t provide them with a clear pathway for growth within your organization, they’ll find it somewhere else. Sit down with them, talk about where they want to go, and help them map out a plan to get there. That could mean additional training, certifications, or leadership opportunities. Make it clear that their future with your company is as bright as they want to make it.
Pay-for-Performance Creates Ownership
Pay-for-performance is a game-changer, but it’s also a great equalizer. It levels the playing field, making sure that everyone has a chance to succeed. Your top performers are going to love this system because it lets them shine, but more importantly, it makes them feel like their hard work is truly recognized and rewarded.
And when they see that connection between effort and reward, it builds a sense of ownership. They’re no longer just “working for you”; they’re working for themselves within your organization. That’s a powerful motivator. It makes them more invested, more engaged, and more likely to stay with you for the long haul.
Create Opportunities for Skill Mastery
Your top performers thrive on mastery. They want to be the best at what they do. So, create opportunities for them to develop and refine their skills. Whether it’s through specialized training, advanced certifications, or tackling more complex projects, give them a chance to deepen their expertise.
And don’t forget to showcase their mastery. Let them share their knowledge with others on the team. Not only does this reinforce their status as top performers, but it also helps elevate the skills of the entire crew.
In Summary
Pushing your top performers isn’t about driving them harder; it’s about giving them the opportunities, recognition, and rewards they deserve. It’s about creating an environment where they feel valued, challenged, and invested in their own success. When you do that, they’re not just going to hit the targets you set—they’re going to exceed them, and they’ll bring the rest of your team along with them.
That’s the power of pay-for-performance done right. It’s not just a way to get more out of your top performers; it’s a way to build a culture where excellence is the norm, and where every member of your team is inspired to reach their full potential.
Reward Your Team & Get Results for Your Business