Congrats! Your Employer Has Launched Protiv

Protiv is a  pay for performance bonus program that pays workers for a job done well, when they beat job budgets and quality standards. Protiv provides workers with automatic bonus pay, based on quality and speed, on top of your regular pay. It’s simple – the quicker you complete a high-quality job, the higher your bonus.
Average Wage Increases For Hourly Workers
Average Wage Increases For Hourly Workers
On average, Protiv bonuses add 10% to your hourly wage. Over the past year, Protiv increased hourly pay by an average of $8.35.
Bonuses Start from the First Propay Jobs
Bonuses Start from the First Propay Jobs
Most employees see an immediate increase, on the first job, as they use teamwork and communication to win.
Bonus Pay Versus Old Hourly Pay
Bonus Pay Versus Old Hourly Pay
Over 99% of employees on ProPay do not want to go back to normal “hourly" pay without a bonus. As for the 1% who do... we don't get it either!

Workers Love Protiv

Protiv provides workers with automatic bonus pay, based on quality and speed, on top of your regular pay. It’s simple – the quicker you complete a high-quality job, the higher your bonus.
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ProPay is so much better. I make more money. Some of us were worried at first, but now we all know that ProPay is better and nobody wants normal hourly pay. - Frank P, Carpenter
I’ve been on ProPay for many jobs now. You can always tell when workers are on ProPay and not hourly. They have energy and a reason for working hard, because they will make more money. - Lester R., Handyman
ProPay has allowed us to pay our workers more and improve our gross margins at the same time. It has gone so well that we could never go back to normal hourly. My workers would get upset! - Aaron S, Painting Company Owner
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Running Protiv is Simple!

With integration, it's also easy to manage
ProPay are created automatically, for each job, using your labor budget as the initial goal.
  • Based on hours or dollars for the project.
  • Your crews can set goals off the budget
Crews can set their own goals and track progress based on the hours they have used.
If the job is done correctly AND ahead of budget, workers earn a bonus amount, prorated to the time they were each on that job.
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What is a ProPay?

A ProPay is a target budget for completing an assigned scope of work. We show you the amount of max hours budgeted on the project. ProPay can be assigned to one or multiple workers, then incentives are weighted based on the hours each team member worked

How am I told about a ProPay job?

When a ProPay is assigned you get atext. There is a link to more info if you want. The Details tab will show the amount, who else is assigned to the job, the job name and further information.

Can I make less on this?

No. It is all upside. If the job goes over budget you will still receive your regular pay, just no bonus.. There is only a bonus opportunity, never a pay decrease!

How is ProPay split with multiple workers?

The bonus is split based on the number of hours each worker contributes to the job. The specifics of each job are found on the ProPay Details page.

How are ProPays bonuses paid?

Bonuses come on your paycheck, along with your regular pay.

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Last year, my best employee was about to walk out the door for a couple more dollars an hour. The Protiv opportunity kept him from leaving. He’s hit 29 bonuses since then!
Nancy Hall, CEO
Last year, my best employee was about to walk out the door for a couple more dollars an hour. The Protiv opportunity kept him from leaving. He’s hit 29 bonuses since then!
Jeremy Rich, CEO
Last year, my best employee was about to walk out the door for a couple more dollars an hour. The Protiv opportunity kept him from leaving. He’s hit 29 bonuses since then!
Leila Khoury, CEO
Last year, my best employee was about to walk out the door for a couple more dollars an hour. The Protiv opportunity kept him from leaving. He’s hit 29 bonuses since then!
Nancy Hall, CEO
Last year, my best employee was about to walk out the door for a couple more dollars an hour. The Protiv opportunity kept him from leaving. He’s hit 29 bonuses since then!
Jeremy Rich, CEO
Last year, my best employee was about to walk out the door for a couple more dollars an hour. The Protiv opportunity kept him from leaving. He’s hit 29 bonuses since then!
Leila Khoury, CEO

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