Bonuses Paid
Faster Job Completion
Saved Hours
{ benefits }

The Hourly Pay Model is Costing You

Contracting businesses lose billions each year because of productivity problems. Rework contributes to this problem even more.

Hourly workers represent 4 out of every 5 people in our industry, yet only 15% of them have any production or quality based incentives. Coincidence? Nope.

Workers stuck with simple hourly pay are not financially motivated to beat project deadlines or to do quality work.

With Protiv you can reward your teams for production, quality and safety, lifting productivity by 15%!
costing gaphics

Create a Culture of Productivity

With Protiv, workers see their progress and track performance against the project budget. Personalized dashboards show them what they need to do, in order to hit their goals and boost their pay.

Grow Your Culture, Grow Your Revenue

Protiv isn’t just a bonus platform--it’s a catalyst for creating strong company cultures and even best places to work. Here are a few ways customers are using our platform to change the status quo!
Authentic Leadership
Protiv’s bonus pool promotes transparency. Workers see the labor budgets for each job and what bonus they’ll get if they beat the budget. They know what to expect and that they will get paid for performing well.
Putting People First
Companies that use Protiv are making a strong statement that they care about the lives of their workers. Namely, their financial well-being.  When the company does better, the whole team does better.
Workers using Protiv receive bonuses for job performance. So, if something is stopping them from beating their deadlines, like getting the wrong supplies, they are more likely to  proactively communicate about what they need
Protiv helps hourly workers reach their full potential by adding an opportunity to evolve forward from the hourly pay structure, rewarding them when they do their best work.
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Reward Your Team the Right Way & Watch Productivity Soar

Protiv is Powerful

With integration, it's also easy to manage.
A ProPay is issued for a job. From here, teams set and track their bonus goals.
  • Based on hours or dollars for the project.
  • Your crews can set goals off the budget
A manager approves completion and the quality of the work.
If the team beats the budget, they each earn bonuses based on the prorated time they worked.
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{ Testimonials }

What People Say About Us

LeRoy Mails
Co-Owner of Brilliant Borders Landscaping

“Our employees absolutely love it. Protiv has them thinking completely different.”

Matt Schmidt
President of 3rd Gen Painting and Remodeling

“The right people are motivated by this program…you get 10% more work from your team.”

Kyle Takacs
Project Manager at Coast to Coast Coatings

“Protiv has not only increased ownership levels, but turned up the RPMs on the guys…After rolling Protiv out at our Atlanta location, the results were great. They were record gross profit jobs.”


How does Protiv work?

Protiv is a worker incentive program that rewards you for completing jobs quickly, safely, and with high quality. Earn more per hour with ProPay bonuses!

Does Protiv work for small companies as well as large ones?

Protiv has customers from 4 workers to over 400. No matter the company size, if motivating your crews is a goal, we can help.

What if we have lots of small jobs?

Some of our customers have hundreds of small jobs every week. Protiv supports grouping those small jobs into weekly goals, organized by crew leaders if you want, providing a simple way for the team to set goals and track progress?

What if the crew rushes and I have a quality issue?

Teams on Protiv quickly learn that quality problems will cost them the opportunity for a bonus, so we find that quality levels go up. If the team has to go back to fix something, that time comes out of their bonus.

How does it work when jobs go over budget?

You have the option of rolling projects together, paying your bonuses on the net of how that group of jobs performs. This can be weekly, monthly, or however you want to manage it. This way the team is always motivated to finish the jobs a quickly as they can while still maintaining quality.

What is a ProPay?

ProPays are a win-win for both workers and employers! It's a project-based bonus that rewards workers for completing jobs efficiently and with high quality. 🤝🤑

ProPays are a special kind of bonus that rewards you for working efficiently. Instead of just getting paid your hourly rate for each job, you'll get a set amount of money called a ProPay when you successfully complete the job. The faster you finish the job (while still doing good quality work and being safe), the more money you'll make per hour.

Do I have to replace my current software?

No. Protiv has about 40 integrations to the most popular operating systems. We add new ones all the time. You will keep using your system for time tracking, job costing, estimating, etc

We do large jobs with lots of cost codes, so how would that work?

Protiv supports projects that last from a few minutes to a year or more. We use the same structures you use, when you estimate the project, such as phases, cost codes, etc., in what we call milestones.

How can Protiv help me with recruiting and retention?

Protiv is foundational when building great company culture.  Creating alignment between the goals of the workers and the company helps everyone to win.  This is a great environment into which new candidates are attracted and current employees will not want to leave.

What is the most important thing to be successful with Protiv?

The software is designed to run behind the scenes, easy to use and administratively light. However, the cultural side of building a performance pay model should be taken seriously. The most successful customers are those who are ready to invest into the culture, increasing communication and leaning into the relationship with the field teams.

As seen on

Reward Your Team & Get Results for Your Business

16x return on investment
Workers love it
Integrates with existing software
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